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About Us
Branch Offices:
Las Vegas USA, Manila Philippines, Maldives, South Korea, Indonesia and Israel.
Sonic Establishment Group of Companies
SonicBoom – Import and export of super cars and luxury items
Sonicmoto Tours – Inbound and outbound tours
SonicEntertainment – Specialized with celebrities, vips, social influencer and media agency tours

Sonicmoto Travel & Tourism
미국 라스베가스, 필리핀 마닐라, 몰디브, 한국, 인도네시아 및 이스라엘.
소닉 설립 그룹
SonicBoom – 슈퍼카 및 명품 수출입
Sonicmoto Tours – 투어 – 인바운드 및 아웃바운드 투어
SonicEntertainment – 유명 인사, VIP, 소셜 인플루언서 및 미디어 에이전시 투어 전문
Our Vision & Mission

To be recognized as a leading ‘one-stop travel solution’ & providing best services to every co-operate client and individual travelers.

Our mission is to be a countable & committed facility provider in our tour & travel industry by offering services to the customers at a sustainable cost & thus exceeding their expectation by our high level of professionalism.